Innovative Solutions
> Ladies Friendly Rest Rooms
> Water Leakage Detection Technology and related services for reducing the Non Revenue Water
> Prefabricated Construction Solutions
> Smart Anganavadies
> Modern Bus Shelters
> Online Counselling Rooms

Our Ladies Rest Room is a complete package to be set-up at educational institutions and job sites, meant for making the ladies feel at home during their menstrual cycle.
We have visualized these rest-rooms keeping in mind all the requisites of a lady going through the menstrual cycle.

Our Ladies Friendly Rest Room is a complete package to be set-up at educational institutions and job sites, meant for making the ladies feel at home during their menstrual cycle. We have visualized these rest-rooms keeping in mind all the requisites of a lady going through the menstrual cycle.
Motivating people to give up private cars and use public transport system is key in achieving an Eco-friendly nation. A comfortable bus-waiting period and hassle free bus boarding experience is also crucial in a good public transport system, especially in our environment with frequent heavy rains and powerful sun rays.
This project is aimed at setting up a completely featured bus waiting shelter, which will be either A/c or non A/c and fashioned in a plush ambiance. This will give the commuters all the facilities required for maximum comfort while spending time waiting for the bus. It will use all the latest technologies for the benefit of travelers.

A virtual counseling room with VConsol is used for conducting live counselling sessions over the internet. It transcends the boundaries of location, time and space providing an unparalleled counseling experience for the students. We provide virtual shoulders to lean upon, a virtual friend with whom the students can share anything, a virtual elder sibling who can guide the children and most importantly someone ‘to listen’ to our children.